Health and fitness are the two most important keys to live an Active, Long and Enjoyable life. It is the correctly stated that Health is Wealth. If you don't have a good health then your wealth is totally wasted.
Health And Fitness:
Taking care of your health in simple terms means taking care of your body, diet, sleep pattern, Socialization, etc. We should remember that a Healthy Mind Is Only Found In A Health Body. Maintenance of good health of both the mind and body is very important this helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. Most people take good care of there physical health but forget the mental health.
Avoid the intake of the harmful substances that damage your body internally, doing regular exercise, having proper diet and have proper sleep pattern.
Being healthy allow us to enjoy the life in a enjoyable manner. Healthy Lifestyle improve your physical appearance, mental stability and your working ability. Generally a healthy diet consist of taking a proper and healthy diet on time with includes a balanced between eating green fresh vegetables, fruits, having milk, eggs, minerals, proteins and vitamins which are essential for a human’s healthy lifestyle.
Factors That Affect Health:
According to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) following factors affect the human health:
Sleeping late night, sleeping for a short interval, sleeping positions, etc.
Poverty is an other main reason of not having a good health.
Biology and genetic endowment is also an main reason that affect health.
Your Environment in which you live, if you are living in a city then have more chance of having diseases as compare to the peoples living in the villages.
Mental health depend on your social environment. the group of people in which spent your most of the time.